Sunday, May 7, 2023

Top cow sick treatment India

 It is best to give new life to cows by donating them. It is said that Gods and Goddesses reside in cows. Cow is also a wealth from scientific point of view. There is a mother's love in this. Cow produces milk. For this, cow rearing is done in many countries around the world. Whereas in India, special emphasis is given on cow service, cow rearing and cow protection. Today the condition of these cows is getting worse. We all have to come together to save these cows so that they can be taken care of.

Gokuldham is also one of those organizations that serves and takes care of cows. It is said that serving cows is the biggest religion. We all should donate together to save the cow. Cow has been given the title of mother in Sanatan Dharma. For this the cow is called as Gau Mata. Cow has been described as wealth in Vedas, Puranas and Shastras. In the later Vedic period, the service of mother cow has been described in detail. Cow is very dear to Lord Krishna. In the Dwapar era, Lord Krishna used to go to the forest with the cowherds. So it is our responsibility to save these cows. Let us together take a pledge to protect the cow.

Find the our best cow sick treatment India 

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